By: Apple Jean C. Martin- de Leon, DOST-FPRDI

The Department of Science and Technology - Forest Products Research and Development Institute (DOST-FPRDI) recently convened major plywood makers in the CARAGA region to discuss the possibility of establishing a satellite plywood testing laboratory (SPTL) in Mindanao.

During the dialogue, attended by representatives from 11 plywood companies in the region, DOST-FPRDI experts underscored the necessity of ensuring plywood quality in compliance with the Department of Trade and Industry’s (DTI) Department Administrative Order (DAO) 20-06 Series of 2020, which mandates product certification for both locally manufactured and imported plywood.

Under this policy, plywood makers must secure the Philippine Standard Quality Certification Mark License before their products can be sold or distributed in the market.

The proposed SPTL in CARAGA will be beneficial to Mindanao-based makers who comprise at least 40% of the country’s plywood producers. We initiated this dialogue because we want to hear their issues, and present to them the advantages of having a plywood testing laboratory in the region. Aside from lessened transportation cost, it will also ensure faster and more reliable test results,” explained DOST-FPRDI OIC Director Dr. Rico J. Cabangon.

Local manufacturers raised several issues, including high transportation and testing fees, the credibility of testing centers, and delays in test result releases. They also noted that imported plywood, despite often being of lower quality, is preferred due to its cheaper price.

 Local plywood makers, along with staff from the DENR, DTI, CARAGA State University and co-organizer DOST CARAGA, attend the dialogue.

During the event, Engr. Freddie M. Ordinario presented the services at DOST-FPRDI’s Plywood Testing Laboratory (PTL). The PTL conducts tests and product certification using Philippine National Standards - International Organization for Standardization (PNS ISO) 12465:2017, and is among the Institute’s ISO 17025:2017 accredited laboratories. It offers basic tests measuring thickness, moisture content, density, and bond quality test of plywood, as well as full tests that include bending test and classification by surface appearance.

The proposed SPTL aims to serve local plywood manufacturers with existing wood processing plant (WPP) permits in the CARAGA region and nearby provinces.

DOST-FPRDI team visits the production facility of EMCO Plywood Corporation, one of the Institute’s PTL clients in Butuan City. 

Held on 16 April 2024 in Butuan City, Agusan del Norte, the dialogue was attended by the regional offices of the Department of Environment and Natural Resources (DENR), DTI, and Caraga State University. It was organized by DOST-FPRDI represented by Dr. Maria Cielito G. Siladan and co-organized with the DOST-CARAGA represented by Regional Director, Engr. Noel M. Ajoc.
