A gender-fair, -safe and inclusive forest products science, technology and innovation agency that creates an enabling environment that is responsive to the socially constructed differences and the gender roles of men and women.
Recognize and protect the rights and access to enjoyment of opportunities, benefits and privileges in the forest products utilization research, development and technology transfer, and be more responsive in achieving gender equality and the empowerment of all women, girls, and other gender groups.
To be a renowned leader and center of excellence in forest products utilization research development and technology transfer functions that ensure and promote gender equality and empowerment of all women, girls, and other gender groups.
General Objective
Reduce the gender gap or inequality in the fields of science and technology and innovation (STI) by requiring leaders, scientists, and researchers to take account of the needs of women and the conditions they face in their specific situations as mandated in the Magna Carta of Women and the Philippine Plan for Responsive Development (PPRD)
Specific Objectives
1. Gain full and effective participation, equal opportunities and greater access on women-friendly technologies and better use of wood and non-wood forest products;
2. Address gender-specific needs of DOST-FPRDI women and men employees in carrying out productive work in a gender-safe workplace;
3. Increase sustainable engagement mechanisms to guide in the planning and execution of more gender-responsive functions among the women and men employees and management of DOST-FPRDI;
4. Increase knowledge and appreciation of FPRDI-GFPS and TWG members, researchers, and staff on GAD;
5. Improve access of women employees to gender-fair opportunities for career advancement;
6. Increase participation in the advocacy and promotion of GAD to inspire and empower women on their role in science, technology, and innovation, and
7. Increase recognition and better appreciation of the women and men employees for their valuable contributions to the performance of DOST-FPRDI.
GAD Legal Basis
–EO 227, The New Family Code of the Philippines
–RA 6725, An Act Strengthening the Prohibition on Discrimination against Women with Respect to Terms and Conditions of Employment, Amending 135 of the Labor Code, as Amended.
Joint Circular No. 2012-01 (GAD Plans and Budgets and Accomplishment Report Implementing MCW)
–RA 7877, Anti-Sexual Harassment Act, which declares sexual harassment unlawful in the employment, education and training environment
–RA 6949 declares March 8 of every year as a working holiday to be known as National Women’s Day
–RA 6972 mandates the establishment of day care centers in every barangay
–RA 7322 increases the maternity benefits of women in the private sector
–RA 7655 increases the minimum wage of domestic helpers
–RA 10361 Batas Kasambahay
–RA 9262 Anti-Violence Against Women and Children
About Us
Contact Person
Julius T. Pelegrina Science Research Analyst, GAD-TWG Chairperson This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.