Equipment Development
This program is led by Engr. Caezar A. Cuaresma and has a goal to develop thermally efficient and innovative equipment that would enhance the productivity, product quality and competitiveness of MSMEs in the agro-forest based and allied sector. Its objectives is to upgrade the FPRDI Developed hot press machine for the Engineered Bamboo (E-Bamboo) production; develop a kiln for the production of activated bamboo charcoal; and modify the existing bamboo charcoaling kiln.
This program has three (3) FPRDI funded projects with a budget of Php 1.29 million for MOOE and Php 776,623.41 for PS for a total budget of Php 2.07 million. The total mandays requirement for this program is 410. Details of the projects under this program is hereto attached as Appendix 9.