Forest Products Technology Transfer
The FPRDI has long been supporting the technology needs of the forest-based micro, small and medium scale enterprises (MSMEs) through its Technical Services Division (TSD). This is because the Institute acknowledges the important roles of MSMEs in alleviating poverty in the forest-based communities. The MSMEs provide livelihood opportunities to almost 20 million upland residents.
TSD manages the techno-transfer activities of FPRDI. It promotes and transfers its technologies ready for commercialization, in partnership with the concerned Technology Maker, the FPRDI Management and DOST Regional Offices. The techno-transfer activities of FPRDI are geared to improving/enhancing the productivity, efficiency and competitiveness of its MSME customers in both local and international markets.
By 2016, in compliance to DOST Administrative Order No. 9 (Techno-transfer Protocol of DOST-RDIs) which took effect on December 15, 2015, and to enhance the Institute’s techno-transfer functions, TSD re-aligned its structure into the following sections:
- Technology Licensing and Promotion
- Socio-economics and Marketing
- Training and Manpower Development Services
- Communication Materials Production and Library Services
The Technology Licensing and Promotion Section spearheads the licensing and promotion of FPRDI technologies/IPs (intellectual properties) for commercialization. It is designated as FPRDI’s Technology Licensing Office to manage the commercialization of technologies and IP assets of the Institute.
The Socio-economics and Marketing Section conducts business development and pre-commercialization activities such as assessment of the financial feasibility, market potential, social acceptability and environmental impacts of new technologies. It recommends technologies for piloting and commercialization.
The Training and Manpower Development Services Section transfers FPRDI’s process technologies through technical trainings, seminars and workshops.
The Communication Materials Production and Library Services section transfers FPRDI’s technologies and R&D results through preparation of technical and semi-technical publication materials and audiovisual presentations.