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Corrugated Carton Test

  • Determines a carton, box, or board’s ability to resist loads such as from stacking and transporting and the strength of the materials to withstand puncture, tearing and rupture.
  • A corrugated board may also undergo bursting strength test to determine the force required to puncture thru it, and edge crust test to measure its ability to survive crushing.
  • Based on the following standards:
    • ASTM D642 (Standard Test Method for Determining Compressive Resistance of Shipping Containers, Components and Unit Loads)
    • TAPPI T 803 (Puncture Test of Containerboard), ISO 2759:2001 (Board -- Determination of bursting strength)
    • ISO 2758:2001 (Paper -- Determination of bursting strength)
    • ISO 13821:2002 (Corrugated fibreboard -- Determination of edgewise crush resistance or waxed edge method)
    • ISO 3037:2007 (Corrugated fibreboard -- Determination of edgewise crush resistance or unwaxed edge method.