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Plywood Tests

Evaluate surface appearance of plywood or “the nature and limits of characteristics inherent in wood and manufacturing defects enabling the visual assessment of the plywood for allocation to an appearance class” as specified in PNS/ISO 2426-2:2021

Measure the thickness, determine moisture content and density of Class III ((High Humidity/Exterior Conditions) or Type I (Exterior/Marine); Class I (Dry conditions) or Type II (Interior/Ordinary) plywood and blockboard; and Class II (Tropical dry and Humid conditions) or substandard Type I. 

Evaluate bond quality thru wet shear test and percent wood failure for Classes I to III and Type I plywood.  Determine bending strength of Classes I to III and conduct 3-cycle delamination for Type II plywood and blockboard.

Performed using several equipment such as the digital micrometer for thickness; laboratory oven and digital weighing balance for moisture content; boiling vat, laboratory oven, plywood testing machine (shear and bending), and magnifying lens for the bond test of Classes I-III and Type I plywood; three-cycle delamination oven and dipping vat for the bond test of Type II plywood.

Based on PNS/ISO 12465:2017 as required by the DTI-Bureau of Product Standards. 

PNS/ISO 1954, Plywood – Tolerances on dimensions

PNS/ISO 2426-2, Plywood – Classification by surface appearance – Part 2: Hardwood

PNS/ISO 2426-3, Plywood – Classification by surface appearance – Part 3: Softwood

PNS/ISO 9426, Wood-based panels – Determination of dimensions of panels

PNS/ISO 9427, Wood-based panels – Determination of density

PNS/ISO 12466-1, Plywood – Bonding quality – Part I: Test methods

PNS/ISO 12466-2, Plywood – Bonding quality – Part 2: Requirements

PNS/ISO 16978, Wood-based panels – Determination of modulus of elasticity in bending and of bending strength

PNS/ISO 16979, Wood-based panels – Determination of moisture content


We can also accommodate plywood testing using other standards like PNS 196:2000, EN 636 (European Plywood) and PS 1-19 (American Plywood). 

FPRDI’s Plywood Testing Laboratory has been accredited according to PNS ISO/IEC 17025:2017 or the General Requirements for the Competence of Testing and Calibration Laboratories as per DTI-PAB Accreditation Number: LA-2022-411A, valid up to November 23, 2027.  Further the Laboratory has been recognized by DTI-BPS, as per Recognition No: TL-0006 valid up to February 19, 2026


Adhesives, Sealants and Coatings

Adhesive Tests

  •  Analyze the properties of adhesives such as viscosity, total solids, pH, flammability and volatile matter.
  • Characterize the main components of adhesives using Fourier Transform Infra-red (FTIR).
  • Analyze thermal properties of adhesives using Differential Scanning Calorimetry (DSC) and Thermogravimetric Analysis (TGA).
  • Also determine the formaldehyde emission of wood and related products. Exporters of wood furniture and furnishings must abide by the importing countries’ strict policy regarding the F-emission limits on wood and similar products.