Pallets and Related Structures Tests
- Involve bending, compression, and impact tests on pallets and related structures to determine their load capacity and whether or not they can survive different impacts encountered during handling and transportation.
- Based on the following standards:
- ASTM D1185 (Standard Test Methods for Pallets and Related Structures Employed in Materials Handling and Shipping)
- ASTM D642 (Standard Test Method for Determining Compressive Resistance of Shipping Containers, Components, and Unit Loads)
- ISO/DIS 8611-1 (Pallets for materials handling Flat pallets -- Part 1: Test methods)
- ISO/DIS 8611-2 (Pallets for materials handling Flat pallets -- Part 2: Performance requirements and selection of tests)
- ISO/FDIS 8611-3 (Pallets for materials handling -- Flat pallets -- Part 3: Maximum working loads)
- PNS ISO 6780:2005 (Flat pallets for intercontinental materials handling -- Principal dimensions and tolerances)