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Paper and Paper Board Tests

  • Analyze paper and paper board physical and optical properties such as texture, grammage, brightness, thickness and density.
  • Examine the proximate chemical analysis for moisture, ash, extractives which include alcohol-cyclohexane, 1% NaOH, and hot/cold water and klason lignin.
  • Determine strength properties such as resistance to bending, puncture, tearing, and crushing force of paper and board.
  • Based on the following standards:
    • ISO 2470 (Measurement of diffuse blue reflectance factor)
    • ISO 2471 (Determination of opacity)
    • ISO 1974 (Determination of tearing resistance)
    • ISO 536 (Determination of grammage)
    • ISO 534 (Determination of thickness, density and specific volume)
    • ISO 1924 (Determination of tensile properties)
    • ISO 2758 (Paper -- Determination of bursting strength)
    • ISO 2759 (Board -- Determination of bursting strength)
    • ISO 3035 (Determination of flat crush resistance)
    • ISO 7263 (Determination of the flat crush resistance after laboratory fluting)
    • ISO 13821 (Determination of edgewise crush resistance)
    • ISO 5626 (Paper -- Determination of folding endurance)
    • ISO 5627 (Determination of smoothness)
    • TAPPI 462 (Castor Oil Penetration Test for Paper)
    • TAPPI 437 om-08 (Dirt in Paper and Paperboard Test Method)
    • ISO 535 (Determination of water absorptiveness)
    • ISO 2493 (Determination of resistance to bending)
    • ISO 3037 (Determination of edgewise crush resistance (unwaxed edge method)
    • ISO 2471 (Determination of opacity)
    • ISO 1974 (Determination of tearing resistance)
    • ISO 536 (Determination of grammage)

Pulp Tests

  • Evaluate the different pulp properties such as yield, Kappa number, Klason lignin, alcohol-cyclohexane solubility, hot/cold solubility, caustic soda solubility and beating properties of raw materials for making pulp.
  • Based on the following standards:
    • T 236 om-06 (Kappa Number of Pulp)
    • T 222 om-06 (Acid-insoluble Lignin in Wood and Pulp)
    • T 204 cm-07 (Solvent Extractives of Wood and Pulp)
    • T 207 om-08 (Water Solubility of Wood and Pulp)
    • T 213 om-06 (Dirt in Pulp)
    • TAPPI T 411 [Thickness (Caliper) on Paper and Paperboard]
    • TAPPI T 425 [Opacity of Paper (15°/Diffuse, Illuminant A) 89% Reflectance Backing and Paper Backing]
    • TAPPI T 494 (Tensile Breaking Properties of Paper and Paperboard Using Constant Rate of Elongation Apparatus)
    • TAPPI T 403 (Bursting Strength of Paper)
    • TAPPI T 414 (Internal Tearing Resistance of Paper)
    • TAPPI T 515 [Folding Endurance of Paper (MIT Tester)]
    • TAPPI T 550 (Determination of Equilibrium Moisture in Pulp, Paper, and Paperboard for Chemical Analysis)