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New issue of PFPJ now out
February 26, 2015

Volume 4 of the Philippine Forest Products Journal (PFPJ) has recently been released. Featuring eight papers, the issue can be accessed thru the FPRDI Library. The featured papers and their authors are as follows:

Sawmilling of Malapapaya [Polysciasnodosa (Blume) Seeman]
Pablito L. Alcachupas and Carlos M. Garcia

Fabrication of a Bamboo Flattening Machine
Dante B. Pulmano, Robert A. Natividad,
Carolyn Marie C. Garcia, Ruben A. Zamora and Eduardo M. Atienza

Parallel Evaluation of Bond Test on Philippine-made Plywood
Using PNS 196:200 and IS0 12465:2007 Standards
Juanito P. Jimenez, Jr., Freddie M. Ordinario,
Nathaniel A. Ramos and Rico J. Cabangon

Utilization of Spent Tea Leaves and Waste Plastics
for Composite Boards
Juanito P. Jimenez, Jr., Erlinda L. Mari,
Edgardo M. Villena and Rico J. Cabangon

Comparison of Chemical Properties of a Climbing Bamboo
(Dinochloa sp.) and a Solid Bamboo (Dendrocalamus strictus)
Maria Salome R. Moran, Aimee Beatrix R. Habon and Alfinetta B. Zamora

Preliminary Study on the Suitability
of Some Industrial Tree Plantation Species
and Fruit Trees for Fruit Wine Barrel
Simplicia B. Katigbak, Ceazar A. Cuarezma,
Erlinda L. Mari and Robert A. Natividad

Preservation of the Green Color of Kauayan tinik
(Bambusa blumeana Schultes f.) and Kauayan kiling
(Bambusa vulgaris Schrad ex Wendle)
Shirley A. Pelayo and Robert A. Natividad

Chemistry and Anti-fungal Properties
of the Essential Oil from Cambodian-Grown Dipterocarpus alatus
Mariluz Sp. Dionglay, Rowena E. Ramos,
Rebecca B. Lapuz, Audel V. Mosteiro and Mildred M. Fidel

(Rizalina K. Araral, 12 Ferbruary 2015)#