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Furniture testing center joins global industry bodies
July 17, 2013

The FPRDI Furniture Testing Center (FFTC) operated by the Department of Science and Technology’s Forest Products Research and Development Institute (DOST-FPRDI) recently became a member of the Furniture Industry Research Association (FIRA) and the International Safe Transit Association (ISTA), two organizations that play vital roles in the furniture industry worldwide.

FIRA is the only organization that provides professional tailor-fitted services for all sectors within the furniture industry to enhance their competitiveness. Its testing and certification schemes help clients win competitive tenders by creating product differentiation and reassuring the clients’ customers of the quality of their products.

ISTA, on the other hand, is focused on the specific concerns of transport packaging. It aims to develop and deliver standards, educational programs and tools for the economic, social, and environmental optimization of packaging systems. Pioneering the concept of package performance testing and certification, ISTA’s test procedures, standards, and certification programs are at the forefront of responsible transport packaging.

Headed by Engr. Victor G. Revilleza, FFTC is the country’s sole furniture testing center, offering complete testing services and facilities required by the industry.

According to Revilleza, “The Center’s membership with FIRA and ISTA does not just guarantee increased credibility of its performance but also a greater impact on the state of the furniture industry in the long run.”

“Furniture manufacturers, exporters, designers, suppliers, retailers, and consumers stand to benefit from our involvement in these organizations,” he elaborated. “We envision the FFTC, being part of FIRA and ISTA, will help ensure high product quality and safety, and the sustained growth and global competitiveness of the furniture industry.” (Stefhanie Lacbayo, 17 July 2013)#