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FPRDI consults with stakeholders
November 13, 2012

The Forest Products Research and Development Institute held a consultative meeting with its stakeholders on 03 October 2012 to better understand the current scenario of the local forest-based industries and involve them in setting the direction of the Institute.

“By this consultation, we hope to identify the technologies and technical services needed by our client industries in the next four years, and align our programs to address them. We also want our stakeholders to have inputs in the Institute’s Medium Term Development Plan (MTDP) for 2012-2016,” said FPRDI Director Romulo T. Aggangan.

Aggangan reported the FPRDI accomplishments, while Division Chiefs Dr. Dwight A. Eusebio of the Material Science Division, For. Robert A. Natividad of the Technology Innovation Division, and Ms. Mildred M. Fidel of the Technical Services Division presented their respective divisions’ MTDP. Subsequent workshop sessions were held in the afternoon for the furniture; gifts, toys, handicrafts and housewares; and housing and builders’ woodworks sectors.

Held at the Philippine Trade Training Center in Pasay City, the event was attended by representatives from the Philippine Paper Manufacturers Association, Inc.; United Architects of the Philippines; Philippine Wood Producers Association; Pallets Business Association of the Philippines; Alpolac Incorporated; Bureau of Products Standards; Chamber of Furniture Industries of the Philippines; and the DOST’s Philippine Council for Industry, Energy and Emerging Technology Research and Development; Philippine Council for Agriculture, Aquatic, and Natural Resources Research and Development; Technology and Promotion Institute; DOST-National Capital Region, and FPRDI management. ### (Apple Jean C. Martin, 30 October 2012)