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FPRDI to open its transit testing lab soon
June 26, 2012

The Forest Products Research and Development Institute (FPRDI) is set to cater to more clients from the furniture and related industries as it opens its Furniture Testing Center’s (FFTC) Transit Testing Laboratory (TTL).

“The TTL is a facility that aims to test the performance of packaging materials used for transporting furniture products, among others. Based on the testing standards of the International Safety Transit Association (ISTA), TTL machines will simulate the conditions when shipping a material from one location to another. Most importers require this kind of testing from local manufacturers,” said Mr. Victor Revilleza, FFTC’s Technical Manager.

Three testing equipment amounting to Php 6 million and imported from Chicago, USA were recently installed at FPRDI. These included the incline impact tester, transportation simulator, and accudrop tester.

“With our transit testing facilities, our clients can improve the quality and design of their packaging materials so products may reach their destination in good condition,” Revilleza added.

However, Revilleza noted that for the TTL to be fully operational, it must first apply for ISTA membership and acquire laboratory certification. The FFTC staff are also preparing for the ISTA packaging laboratory professional program to be certified packaging laboratory technicians and technologists. ### (Apple Jean C. Martin, 25 June 2012)