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FPRDI holds water hyacinth processing training
October 28, 2011

A two-day training on water hyacinth processing for handicraft was held last 26 and 30 September 2011 at the DOST National Capital Region Office.

The training aimed to help Metro Manila communities utilize the water hyacinth, also popularly known as “water lily” that usually clog bodies of water in and around the metropolis.

Titled “Water Lily Processing Technology and Product Development”, the workshop was participated in by 31 craftsmen from Malabon, Paranaque, Valenzuela, Marikina and Taguig. FPRDI’s Engr. Wency Carmelo, assisted by Mr. Joel Mari, discussed the different phases of water hyacinth processing and facilitated the hands-on activity. Participants were asked to “leatherize” the water hyacinth and create their own headbands and sun visors.

The training was a collaborative effort between FPRDI and DOST-NCR. (Margie Brendia, 28 October 2011)###