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Researchers train on non-wood pulping
August 03, 2016

DOST-FPRDI researchers Cesar O. Austria (2nd row, third from right) and Aimee Beatrix R. Habon (1st row, rightmost) were the Philippine delegates to the recent Comparative Study and Training Course on Non-Wood Pulping Technology in China.

According to Austria, “The course focused on the results of the latest researches in non-wood pulp and papermaking in China, and inspired me and Ms. Habon to pursue similar studies at FPRDI.

“There is a growing demand for the use of non-wood fibers for pulp and paper production in both China and the ASEAN region. While bamboo is the main non-wood material for paper in China, Myanmar and Vietnam, abaca is our only non-wood pulp source in the Philppines.

“The training gave us the chance to visit a non-wood pulp and paper mill where we saw state-of-the-art equipment, as well as cleaner production facilities. We were impressed at how China was able to overcome grave pollution problems thru the strategic partnership of the government and the private sector.”

Held last 13-17 June 2016, the training was conducted at Beijing, and sponsored by the ASEAN-China Cooperation Fund. (Rizalina K. Araral, 28 July 2016)#