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Pistahan sa Gubat 2017.

As part of its 60th anniversary celebration, the DOST-Forest Products Research and Development Institute (DOST-FPRDI) is inviting everyone to attend the Pistahan sa Gubat, an exhibit and trade fair featuring furniture pieces, handicrafts and other products manufactured by forest-based and related enterprises. The event will happen from July 04-06, 2017 at the DOST-FPRDI Compound, Forestry campus, UP Los Banos.

The Pistahan sa Gubat celebrates local craftsmanship by bringing in forest products artisans and small and medium enterprises together. It envisions being a platform where local artists and entrepreneurs could exchange knowledge, as well as display and sell their products.

Likewise, the Institute will showcase some of its technologies and services through technology demonstrations, laboratory visits and exhibits. Techno demo topics include charcoal briquetting, water hyacinth processing, handmade papermaking, engineered bamboo, wood bending, finishing and dyeing, and foldable and DIY bamboo shelters.

This year’s milestone anniversary will highlight how DOST-FPRDI — through appropriate technologies and services — has empowered the country’s forest-based industries and communities over the last six decades.

Aside from Pistahan sa Gubat, a Research Chair Lecture will also be held on July 04 with the topic “Improving the Utilization of Bamboo for Engineered Products Manufacture” by Dr. Rico J. Cabangon of the Engineered Products Development Section, Technology Innovation Division.

For inquiries, please contact (049) 536-2586 or 536-236. ### (Apple Jean Martin- de Leon, 24 May 2017)