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DOST-FPRDI staff conduct papermaking trials in China.

DOST-FPRDI researchers Adela S. Torres and Cesar O. Austria (above) were at the Tianjin University of Science and Technology (TUST) in Tianjin, People’s Republic of China on 17-23 April 2017 to conduct bench-scale production of experimental papers from non-wood fibers such as abaca (Musa textilis) and salago (Wikstroemia spp.)

Using the university’s small paper machine, the trial runs were done as part of the DOST- FPRDI’s R&D Program on Abaca Fiber for Specialty Papers, Textile and other High-end Products. Thru this program, FPRDI aims to help push for the optimum use of the country’s abaca resources to benefit the local pulp and paper industry, the abaca sector, and other related industries.

The goal of the project,” according to Austria, “is to enable the eventual commercial use of abaca fiber for various purposes. These include reinforcing low-grade printing and packaging paper with recycled fiber; developing tea bags and security/currency base papers; applying nanotechnology, or the manipulation of the smallest units of the abaca fiber, to make high-value products.”

Funds for the researchers’ trip were provided by the Philippine Council for Agriculture, Aquatic and Natural Resources Research and Development (PCAARRD). (Rizalina K. Araral, June 6, 2017)#