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DOST-FPRDI invites HS students to join poster making contest.

In celebration of the DOST-Forest Products Research and Development Institute’s (DOST-FPRDI) 60th Anniversary, we are inviting high school students from schools within Calamba, Los Baños, and Bay, Laguna to join the “Sining sa Makiling” poster making contest.


  1. The contest is open to all high school students from public and private schools in Calamba, Los Baños and Bay, Laguna.
  2. A participant is allowed to submit only ONE entry.
  3. Poster must clearly illustrate and interpret the theme “FPRDI: 60 years of empowering the forest-based industries and communities”.
  4. The size of the poster should be ½ illustration board. Any coloring material/medium can be used. Computer-aided/manipulated works will not be accepted.
  5. Entries must be submitted to Mr. Cesar O. Austria not later than 28 June 2017 at the FPRDI, Forestry Campus, UPLB, College, Laguna. They should be properly labeled with the following details:
    • participant’s name
    • contact number
    • email address
    • school
  6. Ten entries will be shortlisted and will be exhibited at the FPRDI lobby during the anniversary week. Artists of the shortlisted posters will be notified on 30 June via e-mail.
  7. The shortlisted posters will be uploaded at the FPRDI Facebook page ( on 30 June and will be open for online voting.
  8. Posters will be judged according to the following criteria:
    • 35% - creativity and mastery of medium
    • 30% - clarity of message
    • 25% - originality
    • 10% - “Audience Choice” (accumulated online and on-sight votes)
  9. Three posters will be chosen:
    • 1st prize- Php5,000 and medal
    • 2nd prize- Php3,000 and medal
    • 3rd prize- Php2,000 and medal
  10. The artist will be held accountable to any issues that may arise with regard to the originality and authenticity of his/her poster.

*All 10 finalists will each receive a Certificate of Recognition. Consolation prizes will also be given to non-winning, shortlisted posters.

Awarding will be done during the FPRDI Anniversary program on 05 July 2017.

For inquiries, please contact Mr. Cesar Oliver Austria at (049) 536-2360 or 0915-290-6735 or 0915-290-6735. ### (Apple Jean Martin-de Leon, 21 June 2017)