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To cater to the growing demand of the local furniture industry, the DOST- Forest Products Research and Development Institute (DOST-FPRDI) has acquired new machines to further beef up its Furniture Testing Center (FFTC).

Photos by Juliemar V. Purificacion

“The new equipment - the chair rocking test machine (top photo), the seat durability test machine (bottom photo), the upright chair and single cylinder test machines– are all designed to assess product durability. They are welcome additions to our laboratory as they would allow us to better serve our furniture makers,” explained Engr. Victor G. Revilleza, FFTC’s Technical Manager..

Aside from the above, the FFTC also purchased a chair measuring device to determine the dimensions of office chairs.

For 16 years now, the Center has been evaluating the quality and design of all kinds of furniture using local and global test standards. Its goal is to promote the growth and global competitiveness of the furniture sector by ensuring high product quality and safety.

At the Department of Education, only the companies which meet the FFTC’s evaluation can take part in the public bidding process for school furniture.

The Center is a member of the Furniture Industry Research Association (FIRA) and the International Safe Transit Association (ISTA), which play critical roles in the global furniture industry. ### (Apple Jean C. Martin- de Leon, 23 October 2018)