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Mr. Rodell A. Papa during one of the outreach programs for the Aeta community in Zambales (Photo courtesy: Rodell Papa)
Mr. Rodell A. Papa during one of the outreach programs for the Aeta community in Zambales (Photo courtesy: Rodell Papa)

Mr. Rodell A. Papa received the Association of Special Libraries of the Philippines Model Librarian: Emerging Leaders Series Award during the association's 65th general assembly last 23 January 2019 at the Kalayaan Hall, Malacañang Palace, San Miguel, Manila.

He was recognized for his literacy program initiatives for marginalized communities in Quezon City and the Aeta community in Botolan, Zambales. Along with his friends, he established the "Little Free Library" so that young Aetas can have access to books and reading materials.

The award is given to librarians who excel in their profession and whose success and perseverance serve as inspiration to the community.

Papa joined DOST-FPRDI in 2016 as a Science Research Analyst at the Technical Services Division. ### (Maybell Mariella A. Amador, 31 January 2019)