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The DOST-Forest Products Research and Development Institute (DOST-FPRDI) recently conducted an online Technology Forum that offered livelihood ideas for small entrepreneurs.

The forum covered five most currently in-demand technologies of the Institute: charcoal briquetting; handmade paper and fossilized leaves making; bamboo-framed retractable face shields production; and personal hygiene anti-microbial products making. Resource persons were Engr. Amando Allan M. Bondad, For. Sheena Kryzel F. Siapno, Engr. Cesar O. Austria and Dr. Jennifer P. Tamayo.

DOST-FPRDI’s production of the bamboo-framed face shield, and anti-microbial soaps and hand mists were prompted by the need for personal protective equipment and hygiene products amid the COVID-19 outbreak.

“We thought of having this forum in support of ordinary Filipinos whose livelihoods have been badly hit by the pandemic. We wanted to provide them with low-cost, income-generating ideas they could explore,” explained Ms. Grecelda A. Eusebio of the Institute’s Technology Licensing and Promotion Section (TLPS).

“As a result of the event, our office has received several inquiries and letters of intent on the adoption of bamboo-framed face shields and charcoal briquetting. We are expecting more requests in the coming weeks,” she added.

From left to right: Handmade paper products, skeletonized leaves and charcoal briquettes

According to Eusebio, DOST-FPRDI regularly conducts technology forums to promote the Institute’s researches and technologies to potential partners and investors.

The first in a series, the June 15 virtual Technology Forum was a joint activity of FPRDI-TLPS and the Philippine Council for Agriculture, Aquatic, Forestry and Natural Resources and Development (DOST-PCAARRD) Program on Intellectual Property and Technology Business Management (IP-TBM) Batch 2. It was attended by more than 100 participants via Zoom, with an estimate of 11,000 reach via Facebook Live. ### (Apple Jean C. Martin- de Leon, 16 June 2020)