A Bataan-based company is now mass producing the bamboo-framed face shield developed by the DOST-Forest Products Research and Development Institute (DOST-FPRDI).
Following the Institute’s design and specifications, the QGM Plant Nursery and Garden (QGM-PNG) has recently started commercially producing the face shields. DOST-FPRDI gave technical assistance on the steam-bending technology— the process wher ein bamboo strips for the frame are heated to flex them into the desired form. The Institute will likewise help the company with any production-related issue, and assist in technology improvement if needed.
According to their Facebook post, the QGM-PNG now offers a buy-5-donate-1 promo, in which for every five (5) bamboo-framed face shield purchased, one will be donated to a frontliner.
“We are happy that more organizations are getting interested in our technology as this means more people can have access to the bamboo-framed face shield. The QGM-PNG is currently entertaining an interested buyer from the United Kingdom,” said Ms. Grecelda A. Eusebio, Chief of DOST-FPRDI’s Technology Licensing and Promotion Section.
QGM-PNG is the second group to mass-produce the face shield. The first one is the local government unit of Cabuyao City, Laguna.
QGM-PNG and DOST-FPRDI’s Memorandum of Agreement for the project was signed last 20 August 2020. For those interested in adopting the Institute’s technologies, you may send an e-mail addressed to DOST-FPRDI Director Dr. Romulo T. Aggangan at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.. ### (Apple Jean C. Martin- de Leon, 22 September 2020)