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The DOST-Forest Products Research and Development Institute (DOST-FPRDI) recently pitched its technologies and services to Overseas Filipino Workers (OFWs) thru DOST’s "TeknoLokal para sa Makabagong Bayani" webinar series.

The Institute was tapped by the DOST-National Capital Region and DOST Region X last April 16 and 30 to discuss its technologies that can be potential business ventures for returning Filipino workers.

Among those presented were FPRDI’s bamboo processing technologies, engineered bamboo, charcoal briquetting, handmade paper making, skeletonized leaves and bamboo-framed face shield production. Apart from the technologies, the corresponding investment costs and return of investment were also discussed during the webinars.

“We are happy to be part of this initiative that aims to capacitate returning OFWs in setting up their own businesses. The Institute’s technologies are fit for those who want to venture into furniture production, and gifts and handicrafts businesses,” said DOST-FPRDI Director Romulo T. Aggangan.

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The TeknoLokal webinar series showcases DOST-developed technologies that are “100% made by our Filipino scientists and researchers” and therefore responsive to the needs of the Filipino people.

It is part of the DOST’s iFWD PH Program that assists repatriated Filipinos and their families establish technology-based enterprises in the Philippines. iFWD PH stands for Innovations for Filipinos Working Distantly from the Philippines.

The program has two phases: (1) Capacity building thru product and business concept development, and advisory sessions with technology-based enterprise advisors; and (2) Innovation funding thru technical training, market testing, laboratory testing and equipment acquisition.

DOST-FPRDI will again showcase its technologies in the DOST Region 1-led TeknoLokal webinar on May 14.

DOST-FPRDI is committed to work towards the competitiveness of its industry partners while promoting sustainability. As the country’s wood supply began to diminish due to reckless logging, the Institute continues to look for ways to wisely use native plants, tree plantation species, and related natural materials to address the needs of its clients.

For more information, visit ### (Apple Jean C. Martin- de Leon & Maria C. Reyes, 08 May 2021)