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Forestry professionals seeking to earn Continuing Professional Development (CPD) units may join select training courses offered by the DOST Forest Products Research and Development Institute (DOST-FPRDI) — for free!

The following are this year’s DOST-FPRDI CPD training-webinars:

  • August 18: Physical and Mechanical Properties of Wood and Non-Wood Forest Products (Level 1)
  • August 25: Physical and Mechanical Properties of Wood and Non-Wood Forest Products (Level 2)
  • October 13: Lumber Kiln Drying: Theory, Operation, Practices (Level 1)
  • October 20: Lumber Kiln Drying: Kiln Operation and Quality Control (Level 2)

The Institute’s accreditation as a CPD provider was renewed by the Professional Regulatory Commission in May 2022 and will last until 2025. Since 2019, the Institute has conducted courses on various wood and non-wood technologies attended by more than 500 participants. CPD units are required for foresters renewing their professional licensure cards. Attendees who are able to register, fill-out the attendance and evaluation forms, and accomplish pre-test and post-test will earn the CPD points.

The CPD training-webinars are among DOST-FPRDI’s many offerings to continuously provide technical services to the forest-based and allied sectors. ### (Apple Jean C. Martin- de Leon, 9 June 2022)