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FPRDI staff now ISTA-licensed Technicians

The Forest Products Research and Development Institute (FPRDI) is now one step closer to ensuring that transported furniture products reach their destination in good condition.

Three FPRDI researchers passed the Certified Packaging Laboratory Professional Exam of the International Safe Transit Association (ISTA) held on 14 October 2013 in Michigan, USA.

Engrs. Victor G. Revilleza, Alvin F. Vardelleon and Edward S. Marasigan of the FPRDI Furniture Testing Center (FFTC) are now ISTA-licensed technicians authorized to conduct transit testing using ISTA Testing Protocol.

FPRDI houses a Transit Testing Laboratory (TTL), a facility that aims to test the performance of packaging materials used for transporting furniture products, among others. Most importers require local manufacturers to have their packaging products transit-tested first.

The incline impact tester (left) and the accudrop tester (right) at FPRDI’s Transit Testing Laboratory. The machines are meant to simulate the conditions when transporting various products from one location to another.

“Our accreditation as technicians brings us a step closer to making the TTL fully operational. Preparations are ongoing as we apply for ISTA-certification of our transit testing facility,” explained Engr. Revilleza, FFTC’s Technical Manager.

The FPRDI team was toured inside Smithers Pira Transit Testing Laboratory in Michigan, USA.

Aside from taking the exam, the FFTC team also visited other transit testing laboratories in Michigan and a machine supplier in Illinois. ### (Apple Jean C. Martin, 22 November 2013)