FPRDI wins PARRFI best paper award
Ms. Wency H. Carmelo, Senior Science Research Specialist of the Technology Innovation Division (TID) (accepting trophy) and her team were recipients of this year’s Philippine Agriculture and Resources Research Foundation, Inc. (PARRFI) DevelopmentAward for their paper “Design and Development of a Water Hyacinth Dryer.”
The award was presented during the Closing Ceremonies of the Los Baños Science Community Foundation, Inc. (LBSCFI) “Syensaya” Celebration on 12 September 2014, at the SEARCA Umali Auditorium in College, Laguna.
With Carmelo in the photo were (left to right): Dr. Rex Victor O. Cruz, UPLB Chancellor; Dr. Romulo T. Aggangan, FPRDI Director; Calixto Lulo, Pablo Imatong, Joel Mari, Teodoro Ebron and Ladylyn Alcantara, co-workers; Dr. Benjamin K. Samson, Keynote Speaker; Dr. Ramon V. Valmayor, PARRFI President. (Rizalina K. Araral, 26 September 2014)#