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The DOST-Forest Products Research and Development Institute (DOST-FPRDI) management and the FPRDI Employees Association (FPRDIEA) representatives finalized and signed the Collective Negotiation Agreement (CNA) for 2019-2022 last 6 September 2019.

The CNA covers the benefit programs for rank-and-file employees; health, safety and work environment regulations; opportunities for professional growth; grievance machinery; and CNA incentive, among others.

The experimental bamboo mat is tested at the Philippine Army R&D Center.
The experimental bamboo mat is tested at the Philippine Army R&D Center.
Did you know that the lowly “sawale” (woven bamboo mat) is a possible material for making body armors to save our soldiers’ lives?

The Department of Science and Technology’s Forest Products Research and Development Institute (DOST-FPRDI) recently found that the woven bamboo mat paired with a stainless steel plate can be used for bullet-resistant vest for pistol shots. The vest was light enough for use in combat and 700 percent cheaper than most imported body armors.

More than a century ago, a bamboo band in Malabon played an important role in the 1896 revolution. At a time when the use of the bolo was banned, Malabon Musikong Bumbong helped the Katipunan by hauling and sneaking away their weapons. It also played the revolutionary songs “Alerta Katipunan” and “Veteranos dela Revolucion.”

Three generations after, Ret. Col. Gilbert Ramos — great grandson of Felix Ramos, one of the founders of Malabon Musikong Bumbong — continued the legacy not only by playing but by crafting bamboo musical instruments (BMI) as well. The band is now known as Musikawayan and continues to make music beyond Malabon.

Apart from being the conductor and musical director of Musikawayan, Ramos also trains members of the Binan Kawayan Music Ensemble
Apart from being the conductor and musical director of Musikawayan, Ramos also trains members of the Binan Kawayan Music Ensemble

This year, the DOST- Forest Products Research and Development Institute (DOST-FPRDI) started the Bamboo Musical Instruments Innovation R&D Program to improve the quality of locally-made BMI.