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Abaca fiber researchers train in Germany
August 17, 2016

Dr. Erlinda L. Mari and Ms. Adela S. Torres were in Clausthal, Germany last 13 – 17 June 2016 to train on the operation of laboratory equipment recently acquired by the Institute - an image analysis sensor and a nanoparticle size analyzer.

“These equipment are critical as we seek to tap the innate properties of abaca fiber to make high-end products with the help of nanotechnology and improved pulp and papermaking processes,” say Dr. Mari and Ms. Torres.

Researchers train on non-wood pulping
August 03, 2016

DOST-FPRDI researchers Cesar O. Austria (2nd row, third from right) and Aimee Beatrix R. Habon (1st row, rightmost) were the Philippine delegates to the recent Comparative Study and Training Course on Non-Wood Pulping Technology in China.

Dr. Cabangon presents at Forest Products Society International Convention
July 28, 2016

Dr. Rico J. Cabangon presents a paper at the 70th Forest Products Society (FPS) International Convention.

Dr. Rico J. Cabangon presents a paper at the 70th Forest Products Society (FPS) International Convention in Portland, Oregon, USA last 29 June 2016.