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The DOST-Forest Products Research and Development Institute (DOST-FPRDI) recently pitched its technologies and services to Overseas Filipino Workers (OFWs) thru DOST’s "TeknoLokal para sa Makabagong Bayani" webinar series.

The Institute was tapped by the DOST-National Capital Region and DOST Region X last April 16 and 30 to discuss its technologies that can be potential business ventures for returning Filipino workers.

The Department of Science and Technology - Forest Products Research and Development Institute (FPRDI) is now a step closer towards fully commercializing one of its developed technologies.

The Institute has recently signed a Technology Licensing Agreement (TLA) for the FPRDI Bamboo Flattening Machine with the Laguna-based LAMBS Agri-Mechanicals company.

Curious about what tree species your wooden furniture is made of?

Soon, you will be able to identify a piece of wood by just using your smartphone. This will be made possible through a mobile app being developed by the DOST- Forest Products Research and Development Institute (DOST-FPRDI) and DENR-Forest Management Bureau (DENR-FMB). The two agencies’ joint project aims to quickly and accurately identify selected wood species thru a Wood Identification Mobile Phone Application using Android OS.