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Pulp and paper researchers from the DOST’s Forest Products Research and Development Institute (DOST-FPRDI) represented the country in the “Training Workshop on Pulping and Papermaking of Non-Wood Fiber Materials” held last August 21- September 09, 2017 in Beijing, China.

FPRDI researchers join international pulp and papermaking training.
Mr. Cesar O. Austria (above photo, in white polo) and Ms. Aimee Beatrix R. Habon (bottom, in red) were among the 19 delegates from 7 countries who participated in the training-workshop organized by the China National Pulp and Paper Research Institute.

Global company hails DOST-FPRDI as an "export enabler".
According to Connor's Philippine representative Ms. Elma Lopez, "DOST-FPRDI has done so much to upgrade the quality of Philippine handicraft exports."

One of the world’s top merchandise-sourcing firms recently hailed DOST’s Forest Products Research and Development Institute (FPRDI) for its role in raising the quality of Philippine handicraft exports. The Hong Kong-based Connor Group lauded the Institute during the latter’s 60th anniversary through its country representative, Ms. Elma Lopez.

Ever since his firm started using the Department of Science and Technology’s Forest Products Research and Development Institute’s (DOST-FPRDI’s) furnace-type lumber dryer (FTLD), Mr. Cirilo Sumampong’s life has never been the same again.

Inside Mr. Sumampong's furnace-type lumber dryer.
Inside Mr. Sumampong's furnace-type lumber dryer.