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Testing Expert Evaluates FPRDI Furniture Testing Lab
January 22, 2015

Mr. Bruce Lovell (right), a representative of the Furniture Industry Research Association (FIRA), evaluates the competence of DOST- Forest Products Research and Development Institute’s Furniture Testing Center (FFTC) staff in furniture test procedures.

Mr. Bruce Lovell (left) with Engr. Victor G. Revilleza (right), FFTC Technical Manager.

FPRDI conducts seminar on excellence
January 12, 2015

“Excellence is doing your ordinary work extraordinarily well.” This was the gist of the talk of Ms. Angela Argosino-Cielo in a seminar for FPRDI employees last 27 November 2014.

Titled “In search of excellence…in the little big things!”, Ms. Cielo’s talk was largely based on two books by bestselling author Tom Peters. Excellence, according to her, is the only way to go for people who want to make a real difference in the world.

Ms. Cielo clarified her main points using anecdotes about real people, among them her mentor Dr. Cynthia Mamon. Dr. Mamon is a BS Nutrition graduate from UP Los Baños who was able to successfully cross-over to other fields, such as IT, mainly because of her passion for “excellence in the little things”. Today, with her husband, she heads Enchanted Kingdom, the country’s most popular theme park.

DOST-FPRDI leads abaca R&D program
January 12, 2015

The Philippines is the world’s number one producer of abaca, known as the strongestamong the natural fibers. Ironically, however, we buy most of our processed abaca-based high-end products from other countries, including those that get their raw material from us.

“This is a situation we want to change,” disclosed Dr. Erlinda L. Mari, Scientist I of the Forest Products Research and Development Institute (FPRDI), an agency of the Department of Science and Technology (DOST) based in Los Banos, Laguna.

“Thru aresponsive R&D program that it has recently initiated, FPRDI will help push for the optimum use of our abaca resources to benefitthe local pulp and paper industry, the abaca sector, and other related industries.”