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FPRDI acquires advanced microscope
June 4, 2015

For. Emmanuel P. Domingo peers thru Zeiss Primo Star.

The Zeiss Primo Star.

(Top) For. Emmanuel P. Domingo peers thru Zeiss Primo Star, a computer-aided microscope recently acquired by the Department of Science and Technology’s Forest Products Research and Development Institute (DOST-FPRDI) to upgrade its study of natural fibers and wood anatomy.

Carrageenan: a promising material for packaging paper
June 4, 2015

Did you know that a popular food ingredient can possibly do wonders for the packaging paper industry?

A recent study of the Department of Science and Technology’s Forest Products Research and Development Institute (DOST-FPRDI) shows that carrageenan powder is a promising dry strength agent for recycled fibers(RCFs) made into packaging paper, particularly recyclable corrugated cartons.

Sourced from a red seaweed species that abounds in the Philippines, carrageenan is commonly used in the food and beverage industry as it can easily gel, thicken and stabilize a wide range of food products. It can also be safely used in personal care and pharmaceutical goods.

DOST-FPRDI Conducts Consultation and Technology Demo for Los Baños LGU
May 29, 2015

DOST-FPRDI’s Mr. Calixto T. Lulo demonstrates the charcoal briquetting technology to officials of the local government unit (LGU) of Los Baños, Laguna during their visit to the Institute last 25 May 2015.

DOST-FPRDI’s Mr. Calixto T. Lulo demonstrates the charcoal briquetting technology.

DOST-FPRDI’s Mr. Calixto T. Lulo demonstrates the charcoal briquetting technology.