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FPRDI helps Zambales tree growers’ sawmill
June 11, 2013

The Botolan Agro-Forest, Inc. (BAFI), a tree growers’ cooperative based in Zambales, is looking forward to brighter days. It has just purchased two units of Woodmizer sawmill following the technical advice of FPRDI’s For. Pablito Alcachupas.

Mr. Dick Hakansson, BAFI manager, has asked for FPRDI’s help as their sawmilling plant has been suffering from poor productivity for one year now, unable to reach its designed rated capacity of 5,000 board feet of logs per 8-hour operation.

FPRDI training benefits ‘Pablo’-stricken community in Compostela Valley
June 4, 2014

Theirs is a community that has remained strong despite the devastation wrought by Typhoon Pablo in December last year.

To turn uprooted trees and agro-forest wastes into raw materials for a potential livelihood project, 22 residents of Monkayo, Compostela Valley participated in the “Technical Training on Charcoal Production and Briquetting” last 8-10 May 2013. The training was organized by the Department of Science and Technology-XI, Department of Trade and Industry-Compostela Valley, Forest Products Research and Development Institute (FPRDI), and the local government of Monkayo. Four visitors from Davao Oriental also attended.

FPRDI staff obtain graduate degrees
May 14, 2013

The Forest Products Research and Development Institute-DOST now has 13 PhD and 42 MS degree holders, as three staff members completed their graduate studies last April.

Mr. Loreto A. Novicio, Senior Science Research Specialist at the Institute’s Planning Staff, now holds a doctorate degree in Education, major in Educational Management and minor in Agricultural Extension from the Cavite State University. Novicio’s major courses included strategic planning, strategic human resource management, institutional resource management, organizational finance management, and advanced research methods.