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Philippine Forest Products Journal now available

Volume 3 of the Philippine Forest Products Journal recently rolled off the press and may now be accessed by interested readers thru the Forest Products Research and Development Institute (FPRDI) library.

Bamboo spells promise for the housing sector

An agency under the Department of Science and Technology is working on a low-cost do-it-yourself (DIY) bamboo shelter intended to make housing more accessible to the public, particularly the poor.

The DIY bamboo shelter, designed by the Forest Products Research and Development Institute (FPRDI), is envisioned as a ready-to-assemble house. Using simple tools, it is intended to be built within 1-2 days following an instruction manual.

Torres and Habon attend natural fibers meet

Ms. Adela S. Torres and Ms. Aimee Beatrix R. Habon of FPRDI’s Technology Innovation Division were among the oral presenters in the Second International Conference on Kenaf and Allied Fibers held 3-5 December 2013 at Putrajaya, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia.

Torres discussed the results of her study “Production of Abaca Mechanical Pulps as Extender to Recycled Paper for Printing and Writing Paper”, while Habon presented “The Pulping and Papermaking Properties of Some Philippine Agricultural Fibers”.