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The oldest scientific journal in the Philippines, the Philippine Journal of Science, published five of the nine DOST-FPRDI papers.

The Philippines makes around 1.35 billion kilos of banana fruit stalk wastes every year. These stalks need not be thrown away, they can be made into thermal insulation boards.

Something aromatic and delicious is brewing at DOST-FPRDI.

Last 21 June 2022, the Institute launched an R&D Laboratory Facility to beef up its Flavors and Fragrances from the Forest Technology Program (F3TP).

F3TP is the newest R&D initiative of DOST-FPRDI and aims to tap underutilized non-timber forest products (NTFPs) for food, medicine, flavors and essences. In the next 10 years, its goal is to contribute in creating a globally competitive and sustainable forest flavors and fragrances industry in the Philippines.